Right now my junior class is discussing the emotion anger.
Anger often results from frustration. It is important to remember that the
emotion of anger can always be dealt with appropriately. It is important to learn
to recognize when you feel angry that way you can try to calm down before taking
action or making a discussion.
Some ways of dealing with the emotion of anger would be
talking to someone. Such as a trusted friend, parent, teacher or school counselor.
Another method would be to blow off some steam in a positive way, such as;
exercising, going for a walk or a jog. Another great idea would be to try
something creative like writing a poem, writing a song or playing an instrument.
However, if you are having difficulty managing your anger in
a positive way, feel like your anger is impacting parts of your life and
effecting relationships then it would be time to talk with your doctor and
school student services team for help. Remember it is always okay to ask for
help. There are resources out there to help people deal with their anger in a
positive way.
Some great
resources for more information please visit.....http://www.ncpc.org/topics/conflict-resolution/anger-management